Yoga for Every Body: Discover YOUR Practice

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Uploaded Image: /vs-uploads/conference_2014/melissa-yoga.jpgMorning yoga with Melissa!

Thursday, Nov. 5 | 8 - 9am | Room TBA

Start your day with a gentle and rejuvenating yoga class that will include practices in breathing, postures for stretching and strengthening, and tender meditation with a skilled and compassionate yoga teacher. Whether you have NEVER taken a yoga class or you are experienced, this class is for you! Through modifications and a gradient approach, Melissa will ensure an individualized experience and great preparation for a day of mindful conference workshops.

All levels welcome.

If possible, please bring your own mat and props

Uploaded Image: /vs-uploads/textile_recovery_working_group/facebooklogo.jpg Melissa Young, Pranotthan Certified Yoga Teacher