Legislative Committee Initiatives

NYSAR3’s legislative efforts help create a vibrant state economy and job growth by supporting statewide policies that capture more materials for recycling-related industries. Many of these materials, including plastics and electronics, were formally considered “waste,” and were headed for disposal, but are now the raw-materials for new products, and support tens of thousands of jobs throughout New York State.

NYSAR3’s current legislative initiatives include support for: 

  • Extended Producer Responsibility Framework Legislation
  • Efforts to Enhance Markets for Recyclables
  • Increased Sustainability and Circularity in the Building and Construction Industry
  • Expansion of the Existing Food Donation and Food Scraps Recycling Law
  • Improved Disaster Debris Management and Prevention
  • Expansion of Fair Repair Legislation
  • Implementation of the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act 
  • Evaluating Inclusion of Aerosol Paint Containers within the NYS Postconsumer Paint Collection Program
  • Pay-As-You-Throw Education and Resources
  • Full Funding of the Environmental Protection Fund


All are welcome to join our Legislative Committee efforts.

For information and to join:

Contact Bodhi Piedmont-Fleischmann, Legislative Committee Chair 


Ongoing Legislative Initiatives:


NYSAR3 SUPPORTS Extended Producer Responsibility Framework Legislation

Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) programs reduce costs and environmental impacts of covered products by requiring manufacturers to take financial responsibility for the management of products at the end of their useful life.


NYSAR3  supports development of a framework legislation that requires NYSDEC to annually evaluate existing product stewardship programs and evaluate additional products to be covered under EPR laws.


NYSAR3  SUPPORTS Efforts to Enhance Markets for Recyclables

The use of post-consumer recycled materials to produce new products provides a market for collected recyclables and is central to developing and maintaining a circular economy. As manufacturers use post-consumer materials and markets for recovered recyclables are expanded, it creates a growing demand and helps make recycling programs more cost-effective. 

NYSAR3 supports measures to expand recycling markets, including directly mandating or incentivizing minimum recycled content in manufacturing, expanding green purchasing programs, and funding research and development to support infrastructure and additional innovative end market development. 

NYSAR3 partners closely with the NYS Center for Sustainable Materials Management, including support for the expansion of local and sustainable recycling markets.


NYSAR3 SUPPORTS Increased Sustainability and Circularity in the Building and Construction Industry

NYSAR3 partners closely with CR0WD (Circularity, Reuse, Zero Waste Development), a collaborative network launched in 2020 that is working to create a more sustainable built environment in New York State through the creation of a circular building and construction economy.

Through this collaboration, NYSAR3 supports efforts to expand deconstruction and material reuse rather than demolition. NYSAR3 supports the development of statewide parameters for comprehensive deconstruction legislation.


NYSAR3 SUPPORTS Expansion of the Existing Food Donation and Food Scraps Recycling Law

NYSAR3 supports increased recovery and recycling of food scraps by expanding the reach and modifying select clauses of the Food Donation and Food Waste Recycling Law and associated NYSDEC regulations. 

NYSAR3 supports the expansion of the definition of a designated food scraps generator, starting with a reduction in generated tonnage from two (2) tons per week to one (1) ton per week, evaluation of future further decreases in this generation threshold, as well as evaluation of the current the 25-mile proximity requirement, listed exemptions for large food scraps generators, and inclusion of yard trimmings in the law. 


NYSAR3 SUPPORTS Improved Disaster Debris Management and Prevention

In the aftermath of major flooding and other significant natural disasters, materials that are reusable, recyclable, or compostable are often disposed of in ways that are not the highest and best use of this material (landfilled or incinerated). NYSAR3 supports standard solid waste management plan requirements, best practices, and education to improve recovery, recycling, and composting of disaster debris. NYSAR3 supports allocation of funding for education and the purchase of publicly owned, regional mobile material recovery sorters and industrial woodchippers to facilitate the collection and processing of disaster debris.


NYSAR3 SUPPORTS Expansion of Fair Repair Legislation

The promulgation of Fair Repair legislation will allow broader access to diagnostic and repair information and opportunities, to support the repair market and promote Fair Repair as a policy for waste reduction and reuse. More repair options for consumers will slow the growth of many potential waste streams, enable more extended use of products through multiple owners, and help New York State divert waste to practical use. 

NYSAR3 supports the fostering and growth of viable repair mechanisms, including strengthening and expanding the digital fair repair measure enacted in 2023 (S1320/A1285) to include additional equipment and repair resources.


NYSAR3 SUPPORTS Implementation of the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act 

Following passage of the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (CLCPA) in 2019, the Climate Action Council was tasked with developing a framework for how the State will reduce greenhouse gas emissions and reach the stated goals of the CLCPA. The Waste Advisory Panel was formed to consider the impacts of materials management on climate goals. NYSAR3 supports continued discussion of measures to both encourage reduction, reuse, and recycling while considering the climate impacts of waste and materials management. NYSAR3 will continue to support specific proposals presented by the Waste Advisory Panel.

NYSAR3 supports the NYS CLCPA goals including further greenhouse gas reduction by supporting infrastructure funding, incentivizing the use of compost in state funded projects, and supporting beneficial use of organic materials.

NYSAR3 supports implementation of Waste Disposal Disincentive Surcharge, as described in the draft State Solid Waste Management Plan. To incentivize waste reduction, the measure would impose a disposal disincentive surcharge (fee per ton) on all waste landfilled or combusted in New York State and all waste generated in New York State being sent for landfilling or combustion out-of-state, with the collected funds allocated to provide financial support for reduction, reuse, and recycling projects. While NYSAR3 supports the goal of the surcharge, we also recognize that the implementation details are important to ensure a successful program. We look forward to working with legislators, regulators, and other stakeholders to develop a program that mitigates concerns regarding the management and allocation of resulting surcharge funds, as well as education, outreach, and messaging to preserve the “disincentive” intent of the proposed measure.


NYSAR3 SUPPORTS Evaluating Inclusion of Aerosol Paint Containers within the NYS Postconsumer Paint Collection Program

New York State's Postconsumer Paint Collection Program has collected over 1 million gallons of paint for management since the program launched in March 2022.  NYSAR3 supports an evaluation to effectively and safely expand the current program to include paint packaged in aerosol cans, in coordination with stakeholders including municipalities, drop-off points, and the current paint stewardship program manager.  With the goal of increasing proper management of this material and making end of life management easier for New York State residents, NYSAR3 recognizes that aerosol paint containers pose different challenges for drop-off points and processing facilities so thorough consideration of safety and logistics is required prior to development of a legislative proposal.


NYSAR3 SUPPORTS Pay-As-You-Throw Education and Resources

Pay-As-You-Throw (PAYT) is a solid waste management program that incentivizes people to recycle, reuse, and compost more and generate less waste by charging for waste disposal based on material volume. In some applications, PAYT programs have been shown to effectively increase recycling and waste diversion and decrease solid waste generation. This method has been used widely for 30 years, employed in over 9,000 communities, including some NYS localities, and has been recommended by USEPA. 

PAYT programs create a direct economic incentive to generate less waste and compost or recycle more, as the decision to recycle is separated from the direct cost. NYSAR3 continues to encourage further discussion and education on this waste management strategy in New York State and supports allocation of resources for municipal entities seeking to effectively implement these programs.


NYSAR3 SUPPORTS Full Funding of the Environmental Protection Fund

The Environmental Protection Fund (EPF) has continued to be a valuable resource to New York State by allocating funding for several environmental programs and projects, including solid waste management. 

Continuing a fully funded EPF enhances the state’s ability to leverage federal, local and private dollars, and enable communities to seize opportunities to implement programs that will make New York an ideal place for businesses to locate, and for families to live. 

NYSAR3 supports continuing the full funding of the Municipal Recycling Line of the Solid Waste Account as part of the EPF. This program assists municipalities with enhancing recycling systems, by providing funding for household hazardous waste programs, recycling education and coordination and making capital improvements to their recycling infrastructure.


Emerging Chemical Recycling Technologies

Despite growing awareness and efforts to mitigate its impact, plastic production and the resultant pollution continue to surge globally. Every year 19-23 million tons of plastic waste leaks into aquatic ecosystems, polluting lakes, rivers, and seas. (UN Env Programme). In response to this crisis, stakeholders including consumer brands, recyclers, governments, and environmentalists have been actively seeking solutions to curtail waste, mitigate greenhouse gas emissions, and combat pollution. Amidst this urgency, plastics producers and other industry stakeholders have put forth the concept of "advanced" or "chemical" recycling as a potential remedy. However, these proposed technologies have sparked considerable debate, raising questions and concerns among environmental advocates and numerous government agencies.

NYSAR3 believes that prioritizing reduced material consumption and fostering a resilient reuse economy are foundational, key elements of emerging policies and remain paramount within the traditional sustainable materials-management hierarchy. Additionally, our members acknowledge that achieving a circular economy necessitates the integral role of recycling.

NYSAR3 supports the advancement of emerging innovative recycling technologies in a properly regulated environment and those align with the criteria outlined by the Product Stewardship Institute.

Additional information about NYSAR3’s position on this topic can be found the following link:

Evaluating Emerging Chemical Recycling Technologies